I want to talk a bit about the thoughts in my head about building a new monitoring system to replace Nagios. This is something that I've been thinking about for years and years, but finally I'm getting enough internal momentum to actually make it happen. First, let's dive in and look at the existing landscape of monitoring tools (as I know them).
Define Your Terms
For the purpose of this blog post, I define "monitoring" loosely as the act of gathering information about your services for the express purpose of alerting you when there's a problem. The other side of things, where you are creating pretty graphs to see how your servers and services are behaving over time is what I will call performance trending/analysis.
In short, Nagios is a monitoring system in that when your host goes down, it pages you. Cacti, on the other hand, is a performance analysis system that lets you keep track of how much RAM you have free, etc.
Many systems are both, too. But for the sake of this blog post, I'm mostly focusing on the monitoring side of the equation. If you want a good recommendation for performance analysis, please see OpenTSDB.
Monitoring Today
There are, it seems, two main approaches to monitoring: Nagios and everything else. Nagios is a fairly simple, relatively easy to use system that is good at doing a few things and doesn't really have many bells or whistles and doesn't do much else beyond monitoring your services.
Everything else seems to be a "Nagios and then some" system, providing some manner of bells and whistles that the traditional Nagios installation doesn't provide. That's fine, I don't really mind functionality, but it really gets away from the thing that I really need: something to let me know when my shit is broken.
I've spent a while over the years using Nagios, but every so often I go out and do a survey of the landscape. Sadly, the state of the art really hasn't changed a lot in ... well, years. You have Zabbix, OpenNMS, Zenoss, Hyperic, Icinga, Opsview, and I might be missing a few...
And, honestly, they're all probably good and accomplish the basic goals, but what they don't do for me is allow me to quickly and easily, with a minimum of fuss and nonsense, just monitor my infrastructure. I want something simple and easy to use. No surprises. A nearly flat learning curve. A UI that works. A CLI. (Preferrably one that works, too!)
These tools are Enterprise. They've got sales reps, marketing videos, VM appliances, and some of them are even built to do Windows, Unix, Solaris, and VMS! It's great, I'm positive they fill needs that people have and I don't think they're bad products. They're really just not what I'm looking for. Far too big for my needs.
The only thing that comes close to meeting my needs (forget my wants) is Nagios Core.
So, why not Nagios Core?
Because the HTML it generates looks like this:
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td align=left valign=top width=33%>
<TR><TD CLASS='infoBox'>
<DIV CLASS='infoBoxTitle'>Current Network Status</DIV>
Last Updated: Wed Nov 2 02:26:21 CDT 2011<BR>
Okay, a little more seriously: because it's basically crippleware. Nagios Core has been held back to the state it was in nearly a decade ago so that the company can differentiate its enterprise offering, Nagios XI.
I'm all for the company making money -- that's great -- but their decision to leave the open source version of the product back in the stone age makes it so that I can't really use it to meet my needs. Over the years I've put hundreds of my own hours into efforts that I really shouldn't have had to because the system lacks so much that I need:
A functioning CLI. Doesn't exist. I'm starting to write one, though, but I really shouldn't have to.
A UI that is at all modern. The code above demonstrates, but if you actually interact with Nagios Core, you'll pretty quickly regret it. It's hard to use and has arcane, confusing commentary. Just try to schedule a downtime and do it right the first time!
Nice to have: An API that I can integrate with. I would like to build my own UIs or dashboards, so please give me access to your data in a reasonable fashion.
Reasonable behavior -- this is a very personal opinion, but Nagios does a few things that confuse and consternate me.
To be fair -- Nagios is still, in my opinion, the only system that allows me to get a monitoring environment up and running in an hour or two of hacking. A basic setup is easy to accomplish and worth having. I've used the software for many years now and I still choose it over everything else, so it's not all bad.
In fact, I recommend it if you're not sure what to use. It is currently the best system out there for monitoring your infrastructure.
The Wheel, Again
Of course, I wouldn't have started this blog post if all I wanted to do was bash Nagios. I really don't intend to be that hard on it. It's a good system, it's just old and getting older. Today's infrastructures demand a new, more interoperable monitoring system, and that's what I want to talk about here.
I'm starting to put together a design for building a monitoring system. I have a few key points that I am keeping in mind while doing this, but they're things that I think should resonate with many of you:
Prioritize simple. I'm not building an Enterprise(TM) solution here, I'm building for the busy sysadmin who needs to make sure things are working. Configuration and usage should be damn easy. So should setup.
Keep it minimal. The core of this project can be defined as "make software that tells me if my shit is broken". Other functionality can be added by other software -- which I may or may not write, but won't be part of the core.
Integrate with everybody. Provide a functional API that allows people to write web interfaces, shell scripts, or whatever they want. I will provide libraries to do just that, too, to make it easier to get started.
Those are my main three points right now: write something simple, make it handle the few things it should, and allow other people to bolt things on if they want. Add a widget to your dashboard that shows the availability of a service? Great, that's a simple HTTP query that will return JSON for you to consume. Make a shell script silence alerts? Easy.
Implementation Notes
I've spent a lot of time considering my options here, and as much as I love Perl, these days I'm a Python guy. I'm going to stick to Python for now. I will probably also use the Diesel library. That provides a lot of network service and microthread functionality that certainly makes my life a lot easier.
Another goal (this may not be in v1, I'm not sure) is also to make it so that the system can run on N machines for redundancy. These days, there's very little reason to run your monitoring system in one place. Why not run it on five machines and just have them sort out how to divvy up the work? This is the way many things are moving, and I see no reason that monitoring systems can't as well.
In the name of allowing people to do some interesting and complicated things with the system, I really want to support a full event system. While this is actually not particularly complicated for a monitoring system, it has a lot of implications for the rest of the ecosystem.
For example, let's say that we have an event that fires when the monitoring system has determined that a host is down. Next, we give people the ability to write plugins for the monitoring system that can listen to events. Alternately we allow people to subscribe to events using a pubsub type model of some sort?
Either way, someone could potentially write code that does a database failover when the system detects that a database has gone down. Or maybe they have code to automatically restart a process, reboot a server, etc etc. The list of possibilities is endless and it doesn't compromise the vision to build a simple system -- you never have to touch it. The power is there, though.
Closing Thoughts
Monitoring is a really interesting subject to me. It seems to me that the state of the art is really pretty woeful when you consider how important our infrastructure is these days. Most people use a handful of tools they've cobbled together combined with a few dozen scripts of their own and nobody ever seems to have a really great handle on it.
It would be good to simplify this and, to some extent, standardize it. The LAMP stack has nearly been commoditized at this point, giving rise to services like Heroku that allow you to just write code and not worry about your backend. Those are great and for those who can use them -- awesome. I envy you a bit.
For the rest of us, though: I think it's high time to improve the state of things. I welcome your feedback as I (continue to) embark on this crusade.